Many people use Facebook, Twitter or Instagram accounts to express their feelings and share their experiences. Some people have created separate accounts for their voices so that they are able to express themselves.
The Hearing Voices Network for England operates an online forum for adult voice hearers across the UK, and Voice Collective, a UK-wide project supporting children and young people who hear voices, operate an online forum for under 25s.
It allows me to connect with others experiencing the same or similar struggles to me.
I use my social media to spread my story as well as learn about others. I have formed a community to where each person can be their own individual without being judged…
Sometimes we can help each other. I even sometimes find pages which give out support which is a huge plus!
Quotations courtesy of the Mental Health Foundation.
Find out more
Explore the benefits and drawbacks of being online for your mental health, and how to look after yourself when online with this guide from Mind.