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Sometimes voices talk in metaphors, riddles or emotional truths in the place of, or alongside, literal truths. It can be confusing or overwhelming to hear them talk in these ways, and some people find it useful to try and interpret what the voices are saying, or to find the hidden or metaphorical meaning behind the voices.

For example, a voice saying that a bus is about to be attacked might not be telling the literal truth, but instead might be saying it’s feeling afraid or anxious, or that the person is feeling afraid or anxious about making the journey.

The brain is a very complicated thing that we don’t fully understand. Maybe one day you will know exactly what is happening in your brain and why. But what is more important and more meaningful is what has happened to YOU. What is your story that has brought you to this place. Is this your body/mind reacting/processing/ trying to make sense of the things that have happened to you?


Find out more


Voice Dialogue. This website is produced by the team behind Voice Dialogue UK and outlines the processes by which some people may tune in to their different selves.

Read an excerpt on Reframing what the voices are saying as something positive from Ron Ungar (2016). Some ideas about how to cope with voices. Recoveryfromschizophrenia.org.


King’s Cultural Community (2015). Compassion for Voices: a tale of courage and hope. Youtube.


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